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You can see all of your customer profile information in the tab “ACCOUNT” > “PROFILE”.

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There you can see your complete profile, the billing address and the account verification. You can change any information profile when you need it.

Upload your ID/Passport

It´s necessary that you upload your identification and we will ship you a parcel.

There is a table in the end of the site where you have to upload the archive and the Expiration date.

If you don´t complete this identification, we won´t send you any parcel.

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There you can see your complete profile, the billing address and the account verification. You can change any information profile when you need it.

Upload your ID/Passport

It´s necessary that you upload your identification and we will ship you a parcel.

There is a table in the end of the site where you have to upload the archive and the Expiration date.

If you don´t complete this identification, we won´t send you any parcel.

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When you buy credits, you buy euros, so 1 credit = 1 euro.

You can choose between credit card, Paypal, bank transfer or bitcoins. But take in consideration that, for Personal shopper services we only accept bank transfer.


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Add Shipping addresses

You can add new shipping addresses in a very easy way.


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1. You have to click in “Account” > “Shipping addresses”.

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2. You can find a button of “New Address” and click there.

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3. In the new tab you have to include all the information about the new address where you can we ship the parcels.

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